Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hands on Panna cotta

First time I came across this dessert through some news paper article about Italian dessert. However article didn't had any of its picture. Next day I searched on Internet and hell I was too much impressed and immediately decided to make Panna cotta myself.

After reading through various recipes about it, I prepared my own recipe for it and here it goes. I don't know what should I call it so I'll keep it simply panna cotta :) I always use smaller quantity and then scale it up as per my need. This recipe shall make about 2 cups of panna cotta.


200 ml Fresh cream 25% fat contents (Amul fresh cream)
30ml Milk
30ml vodka/scotch (optional)
90ml dark sweetened coffee
2 Tablespoon food grade Gelatin (Agar is veg substitute for Gelatine)

To make dark coffee:

Sprinkle half( 1/2) a tablespoon Gelatine powder to 30ml vodka/scotch.
Using Vodka/scotch is optional, it just brings a zing taste to coffee, if you don't want any liquor then just take 30ml water and sprinkle gelatine on it.
Keep it aside for 5-10 minutes or till gelatine softens and becomes fluffy. 

Now take 1 teaspoon coffee and dissolve in 90ml warm water, add powdered sugar as per your taste. Don't make it too sweet though. Once gelatine becomes fluffy mix it in coffee and heat up coffee for couple of minute or just bring it to boil and keep aside. Make sure you keep stirring coffee+gelatine mixture or else gelatine stick to bottom of pan. Once coffee comes to room temperature, pour it in 2 glasses/cups evenly and set in freezer for about hour or so or till coffee turns into firm jelly.
Panacotta in fridge 

Once our coffee is set, we can proceed to next step. Panna cotta literally means cooked cream, so we are going to cook cream now. Sprinkle 1 and 1/2 Gelatine powder on 30ml milk and set aside. Take a non-stick pan and pour 200ml cream in it. Put pan on medium flame/heat and bring cream to simmer while stirring it occasionally so that it won't stick to sides of pan. Once cream starts simmering add milk+gelatine mixture to this cream and give it a stir. Now bring cream to boil for about 2-3 minutes, turn off heat and set pan aside and let it cool. Once cooled pour this mixture over coffee jelly evenly and keep cups in refrigerator till cream sets up as jelly.

Panacotta ready to serve in chocolate sauce

Your panna cotta is ready now :) well its really high on fats+protein, so you would like to serve them in small quantity. You can choose small glasses over cups as well, its up to you, how you want them. You can decorate it using some chocolate syrup, some berries, or sprinkle some nutmeg/cinnamon/cardamom powder and serve cool.

Top view
Few important tips/observations:
1. If Jelly is not set within 1 hour or so, then take liquid in pan add some more gelatine and bring it to boil and then again keep in refrigerator.
2.Try to use either plastic (food grade) glass, so that once panna cotta is set, you can cut plastic glass and take out panna cotta without ruining it (as happened to my version :( ). Or use plastic film so that once set you can just pull out film and release panna cotta.
3.You can use any fruit juice/coffee or any liquid of your choice. 
4.If you are trying to make tilted one like shown in pic then don't take out on dish as it may separate layers. Better eat/serve from cups.

Enjoy :)

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